Breaking News

Friday, 20 December 2013

The Keriwal fear!

Only the corrupt fear from justice and clean government!

Who should fear from Kejriwal
  • 3500 MCD employees who have corruption charges
  • MLA/MPs who have running corruption charges against them.
  • Contractors who have delayed projects and irregularities in projects!
  • People at higher positions in various departments who have been involved in corruption and having irregularity.
  • All department employees who do not follow citizen charter rules!

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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Reader Question: Will AAP solve reservation troubles for un-reserved classes?

Someone on our YouTube channel raised questions about the stand on reservation from AAP.

Can you tell me what is your take on Reservation in Inida. I am a Hindu a Brahmin and here comes the worst part a male... Now i am responsible for all the evils in the society... which i came to know through media and the congress.... this is how the political dialogue is going on in this country for a very long many of your actions, you too seem to be encouraging these type of political dialogues...
When can I stop having to put these credentials (Mentioned above) on my employment application when i apply for a govt job.. Moreover When will i be stopped being judged based on these factors..and get a job based on the "not so genius" qualifications i have.. These are some of things and issues that effect me and want to hear about...
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Why people seek reservation?
I belong to OBC and have never applied for reservation, you know why? because im aware that my father was in bank and gave me all facilities i needed to live a gud life, education etc. and i do not want unfair advantage just because i belong to OBC,

What is caste system?
Jati or caste is not something that you attain by birth (according to vedas it is by the work you do) for example, if u read charak samhita it says that after a person learns ayurveda his jaati (caste) changes and he becomes a vaidya.

Aim to create a system where people say no to reservation
Right now our societies are fighting internally because they all want to money security, pple in OBCs ST/SC don't want to loose this advantage. Almost any party won't take off reservation because it will cut their votes.

So what's the solution? Should we live with this reservation?

First let me tell you ARvind's take on this, he says reservation should be on monetary basis, second he says people should get single benefit, for example same person cannot get reservation benefit again and again..

That's a short term view. But here are my views and ideas on how we can almost end reservation in coming years.

Reservation should end. But not abruptly. A society with reservation shows that there are differences in people in terms of caste. We must strive to make a society that has lesser caste/religion differences then only we might even think of a day when we have no reservation on the basis of caste.

Make a society where people say no to reservations!
Think about this, if the environment of our societies changes and becomes developed, educated they will themselves wont be asking for reservations. Like i did nt. And several of my cousins also.

Corruption is the root cause of reservation
Corruption is the deeper root cause of poverty and financial problems for a common man, people in all sects do corruption or cheat the system for their advantage because they think its fair. They think its fair because the system has been unfair to them.

Once we make the system fair and bring equality for everyone. Not by giving sweet speeches, saying nice words, building temples but providing good education, residential facilities and other basic needs so that people grow their minds and expand their thinking from their house/caste to nation.

Do not take my word for it. Go to and look at what kind of politicians are running this country. Yes Arvind kejriwal is not perfect. Yes his way of running may not be perfect. But then his intentions and conviction is better than majority of the politicians.

Yes, there are good people in BJP and Congress too. But for a flower to grow it requires a set of things. Similarly, for a good  politician to be able to do something, requires a good environment and company. Without that his efforts would just not be substantial enough to make any impact. If he is not with like minded people directing their actions towards one common goal. They are limited to not doing anything wrong for their personal benefit. But they are not able to stop others from doing anything.

This is why I believe that we must help AAP. Sure, it may not be perfect. But errors and mistakes are unavoidable. What matters is the intention and direction. Learning from mistakes and making them stepping stones will create a time tested fool-proof-system that will be close to perfect if not 100% perfect.

Hope i am able to explain my point. Information is the key to better decisions in life. Support a party after doing a bit of research on their ideologies. You will probably end up supporting AAP like i have.
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Should AAP form the government with Congress support?

Wow, what a show by AAP in Delhi elections 28 seats in first attempt.

But, 28 not enough to form government! So what should AAP do? Form government or not? What would be the pros and cons of both options?

I notice people suggesting on both sides, people who want AAP to form government say this is the chance which we may not get again in 2014.

Others who are not in favour believe that forming a coalition government with Congress will disappoint voters in Delhi and spoil AAP's image.

It certainly is not an easy question to answer. Here i have tried to put down pros and cons trying to evaluate both options.

Why i think AAP should form the government with Congress - 

It's not easy for AAP,

In these 6 months AAP can do various things that are mentioned in the manifesto. If done right this will form the basis of getting votes in Lok Sabha elections.

Some of things that can be done in 6 months:
  •  Can start first of its kind "security force" all over DelhiSecurity commandos and nook n corner of the city! This will definitely help in securing Delhi and curbing violence against women, senior citizens.

    It will also help in curbing other types of crimes like chain snatching etc. This will set a new standard in safety in India.
  • Pass the real Janlokpal as "lok Ayukta"
    If Congress opposes this bill it will definitely be punished by voters in next elections.

    If the bill is effective in Delhi it will set up an example. And other states all over India will have a competition which they will have to match to!

    It will also provide
  • Set up new fast track courts
    More courts will help in faster justice and will lead to fear in mind of corrupt. Delhi will need more courts anyway because once Kejriwal is in power he will do his best to get all the corrupts behind bars.
  • Electricity company audits and
  • Set up security force

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Monday, 16 December 2013

Lokpal or Jokepal? Who's behind it.. An open letter to Annaji..

Dear Anna,

This is a short video I have made to put some concerns in front of you and people all over India. Hope my voice reaches you breaking through the barriers of some BJP/Cong agents who are trying to misled you.

You do not need to answer me. My only request is that if you find even a single cent worth of merit in this video. Please talk to Arvind. We need to save this anti-corruption movement.

This movement is not just about Janlokpal but swaraj and hope of millions of supporters of you and Arvind!

Truth will prevail!

Jai Hind!

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Friday, 13 December 2013

10 Things India should learn from voting systems all over the world

In Delhi elections Aam Aadmi Party got 28 seats, 8 short of 36 required to get majority and form government. And on almost 12 seats it stood second by 500-2000 votes.

So clearly, every vote is important in an election few votes can form or break the government.

But are our voting system really  perfect enough ?

I was standing at one of the grocery shop in my home town. And there came a small 5 year old kid flaunting black ink on his finger saying "i voted for flower".

I thought it must be just the think and not the vote, but i was wrong!

I asked his guardian accompanying him, did this child really vote? And the appalling answer was: "yes, he voted on slip of his uncle who was not in the city"

He also added that people in the polling station were very friendly and allowed the kid to go and vote!

I was astonished to learn that a kid was allowed to vote! Voting is such a serious phenomenon. It decides future of the nation. And it also shows that there is some serious loophole in election systems in India that a 5 year can go and vote as if it is some child's play?

Voting is not child's play. Elections are the steering that drive the nation's vehicle. Faux voting can lead to undesired results.

This clearly shows that proper strict voting is on the mercy of polling station officers. They may allow a 5 year old to vote they may as well allow  (to their convenience )

In other case, in New Delhi, 7000 names in voter list were not found. This is such a serious error! No one is talking about the ill-management?

I think before even thinking of fighting elections we must try to make the election system better so that it leads to fair competition and real results!

I felt annoyed and helpless (typical signs of a common man) but blogging came to my rescue. I spent a few hours studying the systems all over the world used in voting. Analyzing how they are different in India as compared to theirs.

My learning->
India voting systems are still following the old methods and apparatus, and there is no real innovation in the process till today!

Way behind from what's happening in the world! Not a good show by a nation which claims to be Information Technology pro society!

A lot has changed in last 50 years but the core of voting systems remain the same.

While i still do believe that Indian voting systems are good, but voting is like the breath of the nation , iti njects life in democracy!

We cannot contend with a election system that is anything below than best and try to make it perfect not only making the process smooth but also foolproof!

Yes, there are websites for every state election commission where you can search your name but that's it! You cannot register your name on these sites. The registration process here is almost analogue because after filling up the form you will have to print it out and follow all the offline methods of contacting the Booth Level Officer and several rounds of paper requirement.

  1. Set up permanent departments for voter registration

    In almost every democracy, (except India ) voter registration goes out through out the year!

    There should be permanent centers where people may go and get their name in voting list. Currently, Voter list addition is done only few months before election or once/twice a year.

    Permanent agencies should be appointed in education and information departments who take care of this work.

    Currently, majority of the computer related work is outsourced. Many times these contractors make mistakes intentionally while filling up forms etc so that they can increase the amount of time taken in doing the task and increase their bills.

    There could be a simplified process where Govt Teachers/Booth level officers or gazetted officers may approve applications based on documents and affidavit provided by the applicant.

  2. More easier and electronic ways to register name in electoral rolls 

    Right now old age method is used where you have fill a form and submit it.

    Online registrations are not really electronic because after filling the form online you still have to go and print out and subsequently find your BLO and submit it and follow all slow, time consuming and inconvenient offline procedures.

    If people can file their income tax online. Then why not change their constituency online? Just give them a password and create an online system which enable them to do so!

  3. Lower minimum voting age to 16
    Currently many countries in the world have minimum age for voting as 16.

    HIstorically, people at this age have joined army, run businesses and make families. Even today, in schools colleges we see students studying Social studies and are aware of current affairs.

    A 16 year old person is fully developed in thinking and aware of his surroundings. Increasing number of youth voters will help in better results.

  4. Voter registration should be carried out 364 days and not just few weeks/months

    Majority of youngsters from smalltowns these days do not live in their hometowns after studies. They move to metro cities for higher studies or jobs. Sometimes they change cities within months.

    There is a big chunk of working population which change locations for professional reasons. People working in transport systems.

    So Election commission should introduce a system where people are able to change their constituency and register as a voter easily. and permanent centers.
  5. Make it a compulsory half day-holiday
    While government has made laws that there will be a holiday (if required) but still many voters choose to not to vote because they are having important meeting coming up etc.

    Many shop owners may not go because they will loose

    One positive bandh!
    Common India! We have so many political bandhs can't we have one compulsory holiday for the most pious "karma day" of our democracies? Or just schedule voting on a holiday only? 
  6. Increase evening time to 7 pm

    Increase voting timings from current 8AM to 5 PM to 7 PM.

    As the percentage of voting increases, there are longer ques at polling stations and as seen this time voting went on to 8:30 and even 9 o clock.

    Doing this will encourage  daily wage workers to come back from work and go to vote. Currently, these people have to make a choice between their one day wage or vote! And one day salary for these people may mean a lot! Increasing the timings will lead

  7. Increase number of registered voters - Permanent centers, with permanent timings

    Currently, if you want to register your name you first have to wait for an advertisement and then look-up details of registration camps. Due to this confusing and random process many people miss out and are not able to get their names in voter list.

    Its important to set up  Permanent centers, with permanent timings throughout the year. Will definitely result into more registrations.

    These permanent centers may not conduct registrations everyday, but even a single day every week will suffice. Saturday or Sunday.

    Schools can be a perfect place for such tasks. One day in week can be permanently marked for such activities of getting name registered. Etc.

    A notice board outside such centers should be put up with details of timings and contact details of Booth Level officer managing the registration activities.

  8. Introduce Absentee voting for common people
    Currently, this feature is only available for on-duty election staff and soldiers.

    All throughout the world in many democracies general people are allowed for postal voting after citing reaons. In some cases even reasons are not required.

    There could be a debate on this topic on the manner used to get people to vote
  9. Make voting compulsory
    Often talked about but not much emphasized is compulsory voting.

    Voting may not be a single day process. It may go on for a week. Allowing people multiple chances to caste their vote.

    There should be some sort of fine or punishment if a person does not caste their vote even after getting multiple chances. Because by not voting you are allowing wrong people to go enter into temple of parliament.
  10. Create laws with severe punishments to stop bogus voting and cheatings

    Right now bogus voting is caught in almost each elections.

    Stringent punishment laws may also deter political parties from getting involved in getting fake names in voter list.

Also read:
Beyond the ballot - a report on democracy innnovtions all over the world

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