Breaking News

Friday, 20 December 2013

The Keriwal fear!

Only the corrupt fear from justice and clean government!

Who should fear from Kejriwal
  • 3500 MCD employees who have corruption charges
  • MLA/MPs who have running corruption charges against them.
  • Contractors who have delayed projects and irregularities in projects!
  • People at higher positions in various departments who have been involved in corruption and having irregularity.
  • All department employees who do not follow citizen charter rules!

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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Reader Question: Will AAP solve reservation troubles for un-reserved classes?

Someone on our YouTube channel raised questions about the stand on reservation from AAP.

Can you tell me what is your take on Reservation in Inida. I am a Hindu a Brahmin and here comes the worst part a male... Now i am responsible for all the evils in the society... which i came to know through media and the congress.... this is how the political dialogue is going on in this country for a very long many of your actions, you too seem to be encouraging these type of political dialogues...
When can I stop having to put these credentials (Mentioned above) on my employment application when i apply for a govt job.. Moreover When will i be stopped being judged based on these factors..and get a job based on the "not so genius" qualifications i have.. These are some of things and issues that effect me and want to hear about...
- Link to comment

Why people seek reservation?
I belong to OBC and have never applied for reservation, you know why? because im aware that my father was in bank and gave me all facilities i needed to live a gud life, education etc. and i do not want unfair advantage just because i belong to OBC,

What is caste system?
Jati or caste is not something that you attain by birth (according to vedas it is by the work you do) for example, if u read charak samhita it says that after a person learns ayurveda his jaati (caste) changes and he becomes a vaidya.

Aim to create a system where people say no to reservation
Right now our societies are fighting internally because they all want to money security, pple in OBCs ST/SC don't want to loose this advantage. Almost any party won't take off reservation because it will cut their votes.

So what's the solution? Should we live with this reservation?

First let me tell you ARvind's take on this, he says reservation should be on monetary basis, second he says people should get single benefit, for example same person cannot get reservation benefit again and again..

That's a short term view. But here are my views and ideas on how we can almost end reservation in coming years.

Reservation should end. But not abruptly. A society with reservation shows that there are differences in people in terms of caste. We must strive to make a society that has lesser caste/religion differences then only we might even think of a day when we have no reservation on the basis of caste.

Make a society where people say no to reservations!
Think about this, if the environment of our societies changes and becomes developed, educated they will themselves wont be asking for reservations. Like i did nt. And several of my cousins also.

Corruption is the root cause of reservation
Corruption is the deeper root cause of poverty and financial problems for a common man, people in all sects do corruption or cheat the system for their advantage because they think its fair. They think its fair because the system has been unfair to them.

Once we make the system fair and bring equality for everyone. Not by giving sweet speeches, saying nice words, building temples but providing good education, residential facilities and other basic needs so that people grow their minds and expand their thinking from their house/caste to nation.

Do not take my word for it. Go to and look at what kind of politicians are running this country. Yes Arvind kejriwal is not perfect. Yes his way of running may not be perfect. But then his intentions and conviction is better than majority of the politicians.

Yes, there are good people in BJP and Congress too. But for a flower to grow it requires a set of things. Similarly, for a good  politician to be able to do something, requires a good environment and company. Without that his efforts would just not be substantial enough to make any impact. If he is not with like minded people directing their actions towards one common goal. They are limited to not doing anything wrong for their personal benefit. But they are not able to stop others from doing anything.

This is why I believe that we must help AAP. Sure, it may not be perfect. But errors and mistakes are unavoidable. What matters is the intention and direction. Learning from mistakes and making them stepping stones will create a time tested fool-proof-system that will be close to perfect if not 100% perfect.

Hope i am able to explain my point. Information is the key to better decisions in life. Support a party after doing a bit of research on their ideologies. You will probably end up supporting AAP like i have.
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Should AAP form the government with Congress support?

Wow, what a show by AAP in Delhi elections 28 seats in first attempt.

But, 28 not enough to form government! So what should AAP do? Form government or not? What would be the pros and cons of both options?

I notice people suggesting on both sides, people who want AAP to form government say this is the chance which we may not get again in 2014.

Others who are not in favour believe that forming a coalition government with Congress will disappoint voters in Delhi and spoil AAP's image.

It certainly is not an easy question to answer. Here i have tried to put down pros and cons trying to evaluate both options.

Why i think AAP should form the government with Congress - 

It's not easy for AAP,

In these 6 months AAP can do various things that are mentioned in the manifesto. If done right this will form the basis of getting votes in Lok Sabha elections.

Some of things that can be done in 6 months:
  •  Can start first of its kind "security force" all over DelhiSecurity commandos and nook n corner of the city! This will definitely help in securing Delhi and curbing violence against women, senior citizens.

    It will also help in curbing other types of crimes like chain snatching etc. This will set a new standard in safety in India.
  • Pass the real Janlokpal as "lok Ayukta"
    If Congress opposes this bill it will definitely be punished by voters in next elections.

    If the bill is effective in Delhi it will set up an example. And other states all over India will have a competition which they will have to match to!

    It will also provide
  • Set up new fast track courts
    More courts will help in faster justice and will lead to fear in mind of corrupt. Delhi will need more courts anyway because once Kejriwal is in power he will do his best to get all the corrupts behind bars.
  • Electricity company audits and
  • Set up security force

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Monday, 16 December 2013

Lokpal or Jokepal? Who's behind it.. An open letter to Annaji..

Dear Anna,

This is a short video I have made to put some concerns in front of you and people all over India. Hope my voice reaches you breaking through the barriers of some BJP/Cong agents who are trying to misled you.

You do not need to answer me. My only request is that if you find even a single cent worth of merit in this video. Please talk to Arvind. We need to save this anti-corruption movement.

This movement is not just about Janlokpal but swaraj and hope of millions of supporters of you and Arvind!

Truth will prevail!

Jai Hind!

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Friday, 13 December 2013

10 Things India should learn from voting systems all over the world

In Delhi elections Aam Aadmi Party got 28 seats, 8 short of 36 required to get majority and form government. And on almost 12 seats it stood second by 500-2000 votes.

So clearly, every vote is important in an election few votes can form or break the government.

But are our voting system really  perfect enough ?

I was standing at one of the grocery shop in my home town. And there came a small 5 year old kid flaunting black ink on his finger saying "i voted for flower".

I thought it must be just the think and not the vote, but i was wrong!

I asked his guardian accompanying him, did this child really vote? And the appalling answer was: "yes, he voted on slip of his uncle who was not in the city"

He also added that people in the polling station were very friendly and allowed the kid to go and vote!

I was astonished to learn that a kid was allowed to vote! Voting is such a serious phenomenon. It decides future of the nation. And it also shows that there is some serious loophole in election systems in India that a 5 year can go and vote as if it is some child's play?

Voting is not child's play. Elections are the steering that drive the nation's vehicle. Faux voting can lead to undesired results.

This clearly shows that proper strict voting is on the mercy of polling station officers. They may allow a 5 year old to vote they may as well allow  (to their convenience )

In other case, in New Delhi, 7000 names in voter list were not found. This is such a serious error! No one is talking about the ill-management?

I think before even thinking of fighting elections we must try to make the election system better so that it leads to fair competition and real results!

I felt annoyed and helpless (typical signs of a common man) but blogging came to my rescue. I spent a few hours studying the systems all over the world used in voting. Analyzing how they are different in India as compared to theirs.

My learning->
India voting systems are still following the old methods and apparatus, and there is no real innovation in the process till today!

Way behind from what's happening in the world! Not a good show by a nation which claims to be Information Technology pro society!

A lot has changed in last 50 years but the core of voting systems remain the same.

While i still do believe that Indian voting systems are good, but voting is like the breath of the nation , iti njects life in democracy!

We cannot contend with a election system that is anything below than best and try to make it perfect not only making the process smooth but also foolproof!

Yes, there are websites for every state election commission where you can search your name but that's it! You cannot register your name on these sites. The registration process here is almost analogue because after filling up the form you will have to print it out and follow all the offline methods of contacting the Booth Level Officer and several rounds of paper requirement.

  1. Set up permanent departments for voter registration

    In almost every democracy, (except India ) voter registration goes out through out the year!

    There should be permanent centers where people may go and get their name in voting list. Currently, Voter list addition is done only few months before election or once/twice a year.

    Permanent agencies should be appointed in education and information departments who take care of this work.

    Currently, majority of the computer related work is outsourced. Many times these contractors make mistakes intentionally while filling up forms etc so that they can increase the amount of time taken in doing the task and increase their bills.

    There could be a simplified process where Govt Teachers/Booth level officers or gazetted officers may approve applications based on documents and affidavit provided by the applicant.

  2. More easier and electronic ways to register name in electoral rolls 

    Right now old age method is used where you have fill a form and submit it.

    Online registrations are not really electronic because after filling the form online you still have to go and print out and subsequently find your BLO and submit it and follow all slow, time consuming and inconvenient offline procedures.

    If people can file their income tax online. Then why not change their constituency online? Just give them a password and create an online system which enable them to do so!

  3. Lower minimum voting age to 16
    Currently many countries in the world have minimum age for voting as 16.

    HIstorically, people at this age have joined army, run businesses and make families. Even today, in schools colleges we see students studying Social studies and are aware of current affairs.

    A 16 year old person is fully developed in thinking and aware of his surroundings. Increasing number of youth voters will help in better results.

  4. Voter registration should be carried out 364 days and not just few weeks/months

    Majority of youngsters from smalltowns these days do not live in their hometowns after studies. They move to metro cities for higher studies or jobs. Sometimes they change cities within months.

    There is a big chunk of working population which change locations for professional reasons. People working in transport systems.

    So Election commission should introduce a system where people are able to change their constituency and register as a voter easily. and permanent centers.
  5. Make it a compulsory half day-holiday
    While government has made laws that there will be a holiday (if required) but still many voters choose to not to vote because they are having important meeting coming up etc.

    Many shop owners may not go because they will loose

    One positive bandh!
    Common India! We have so many political bandhs can't we have one compulsory holiday for the most pious "karma day" of our democracies? Or just schedule voting on a holiday only? 
  6. Increase evening time to 7 pm

    Increase voting timings from current 8AM to 5 PM to 7 PM.

    As the percentage of voting increases, there are longer ques at polling stations and as seen this time voting went on to 8:30 and even 9 o clock.

    Doing this will encourage  daily wage workers to come back from work and go to vote. Currently, these people have to make a choice between their one day wage or vote! And one day salary for these people may mean a lot! Increasing the timings will lead

  7. Increase number of registered voters - Permanent centers, with permanent timings

    Currently, if you want to register your name you first have to wait for an advertisement and then look-up details of registration camps. Due to this confusing and random process many people miss out and are not able to get their names in voter list.

    Its important to set up  Permanent centers, with permanent timings throughout the year. Will definitely result into more registrations.

    These permanent centers may not conduct registrations everyday, but even a single day every week will suffice. Saturday or Sunday.

    Schools can be a perfect place for such tasks. One day in week can be permanently marked for such activities of getting name registered. Etc.

    A notice board outside such centers should be put up with details of timings and contact details of Booth Level officer managing the registration activities.

  8. Introduce Absentee voting for common people
    Currently, this feature is only available for on-duty election staff and soldiers.

    All throughout the world in many democracies general people are allowed for postal voting after citing reaons. In some cases even reasons are not required.

    There could be a debate on this topic on the manner used to get people to vote
  9. Make voting compulsory
    Often talked about but not much emphasized is compulsory voting.

    Voting may not be a single day process. It may go on for a week. Allowing people multiple chances to caste their vote.

    There should be some sort of fine or punishment if a person does not caste their vote even after getting multiple chances. Because by not voting you are allowing wrong people to go enter into temple of parliament.
  10. Create laws with severe punishments to stop bogus voting and cheatings

    Right now bogus voting is caught in almost each elections.

    Stringent punishment laws may also deter political parties from getting involved in getting fake names in voter list.

Also read:
Beyond the ballot - a report on democracy innnovtions all over the world

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Saturday, 30 November 2013

Nirbhaya fund 1000 crore rupee scheme - a scam?

After the last year's brutal gangrape, whole country cried.

1000 crore allocated but scheme only in papers!

Government in their usual style create another scheme to provide women more security. The only salient feature of the scheme was the big grand budget that was allocated for this scheme.

But till now that almost one year is about to be complete, not a single penny has been utilized or scheme started to combat women security issues in the country.

No information about
  • No details how many CCTV cameras are installed
  • No information about which buses GPS systems are installed?

If this is not a scam, then it is very "slow process" almost one year has passed but none of the serious action has yet been taken!

And i am sure, that even if the moneys is allocated, there is no proper plan where the money is used. How it is used!
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Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Dear fellow AAP supporters Twitter is good BUT ... Why Calling campaign group has only 1500 people?

Its wonderful to see AAP supporters from all over the world coming on social media platforms like twitter to promote their favorite party.

A grand salute to all of you.

But friends, remember, we will not make AAP win elections in Delhi by sharing information on twitter alone. 

More of us need to join Delhi Calling campaign!

Currently Delhi's AAP calling campaign has only 1500 people?
But there are only 1500 people calling voters in Delhi today, there are around 1 lakh calls to be made.  We have to reach out to maximum number of people in Delhi And to do that, we must all join facebook page

Easiest way to do calling campaign

You just calling campaign by calling  to toll free number 18002160 

  • This is a free service!
  • Call on this number and it will  connect you to any random Delhi phone number.
  • Your number will be anonymous to call receiver, 
  • This is more result oriented .

Why we need to call people? 
  • Lack of awareness in people
    Majority of people know about Arvind Kejriwal but are not aware about Jhaadu, so we have to inform them

  • Create more active volunteers
    We can also request people who already support Aam Aadmi party to tell other people in this area.

    Whenever you get a AAP supporter in delhi, tell him to start doing this call campaign for free!

  • Tell them about manifesto
    - Free water upto 700 liters
    - Half rates of electicity
    - Passing Janlokpal for which Annaji's fasted as Lok ayukta in Delhi

  • One vote in a family sometimes results into complete family. So a few single calls can bring more results.

Few more points
  • Hesitation
    do not hesitate around 1000 AAP supporters just like you are making calls and converting voters to vote for AAP in Delhi. Yes there may be some people who would not like the call but majority will listen to you.

  • Cost? It's free!
    the number is toll free 18002002160 , and you will not be charged a single penny for this service.

Friends, let us not leave any stone unturned. 

Personal phone call will definitely more effective than any other mode of communication.

Twitter is not a promotional but battleground, we have to stay there and it's good. But some groundwork also needs to be done!

I hope that the current support group of Delhi Citizen Calling campaign reaches at least  

Can we reach 10,000 active members till tomorrow?
Join today:

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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Fake news: 100 people arrested in Delhi for accepting cash

In a bid to curb corruption and stop use of black money. Almost 100 people were arrested in Delhi for accepting cash instead of cheque in Delhi. Majority of the transaction amounts were between 10-50 rupees.

In this shocking incident amongst arrested were auto-drivers, manual labourers, businessmen, rikshawwallas and some shopkeepers.

They were caught red handed while accepting money from their customers without knowing the customers backgrounds.

What's the  reason?
The police official said that these people are culprits prima facie because they were accepting cash which could be black money. Police officials went to the shops one by one and asked details of where the money came from. And arrested anyone who even by having details of the customer but did not had.

New guidelines
According to the new guidelines published by income tax department, accepting cash can lead you into jail, especially if some reporter makes a sting operation of you doing that.

The only condition of the sting operation to be valid is that it should be edited.

Know the customer background
Before accepting cash you must:
  • Check if the buyer has any criminal cases.
  • Ask for last 10 year IT returns. Calculate the balance sheet amounts to see if it is indeed correct.
  • Have a look at last 6 months bank statement. Of his mother, father, son, daughter, daughter in law, son in law, pet dog, doodhwala, chaiwala,
  • Get an affidavit written on a stamp paper of 100 rs that money is not black.

What should you do?
Best option is to accept only cheque (even if it gets bounced). A bounced cheque is better than cash which might get you stinged Oped and into the jail.

Sent to jail for accepting black money
They were all sent to jail for 1 month custody and no bail allowed because black money is the biggest issue in India. It is because of black money that the country is looted.

Rise in sting operations!
All the TV channels showed the face of the culprits. Some of these culprits did not even realize that they had made a big mistake which can damage the image's nation.

A senior police official said:
You cannot accept undeclared cash, either accept cheque or reach to the first source of money. Better still check the last 5 year IT returns of the buyer then only sell him something or else you will be

New NEWS TV CHANNEL - Launched  Edited Sting TV
Some political parties have donated money to start a news tv channel to cover sting operation on such people who accept cash. In the launch people were seen exhanging cheques with each other and brainstorming ideas on how to create more stings.

There was a chaos in the launch program because the demo sting showed on launch was of one of the sponsors of the channel. The reporter was sent to jail for making sting for wrong person.

There would no sting operation made about Sponsors on moral grounds
The Channel head also said, we want more and more sting operations to be told in the world.

New channel named as Fake Sting TV. The channel's tagline was "IF you can't make it, fake it"

He also mentioned that they have highest TRP show Stingy Nights   is gaining popularity worldwide and hence this proves that 

Lack of awareness
While the 100 odd people in the jail were discussing about what wrong did they do. None of them had slightest of idea about what happened.

Not allowed to speak
The jailor just said that these people are criminals because they were accepting cash. While some of the accused in the jail wanted to tell their side of the story but they were not allowed to speak.

PS: This post is a work of fiction and written in satirical mood.
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Saturday, 23 November 2013

Some sources to watch free LIVE TV India news online

Some of our friends who do not have a TV connection or not in India can keep a tab on politcal news and updates

I am sharing some links that i use to watch latest news in India 

Official Aam Aadmi Party

Here are some sources where you can watch online TV and stay updated.

NewsExpress - My fav channel

India TV




Headlines today

News X

Applications on android app store

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Detailed analysis of an alleged sting operation!

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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Naya sting operation

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MCD Delhi - most corrupt

 BJP says ham Delhi badlenge.

BJP is in the power of MCD corruption Delhi for last 15 years. MCD was ranked on top in a list of highest corruption charges by anti-corruption bureau.

More thn 3,400 empoyees have corruption cases against them. Not a single person convicted. This is the same BJP which says that.we will change Delhi.

"The malaise seems all-pervasive. From peons and drivers to assistant engineers and deputy directors, there are cases against people holding all kinds of posts in the civic body though the maximum cases are against junior engineers. "

The maximum BJP has done is to transfer these people elsewhere. Can just juggling of same people  curb corruption? I don't think so, but may be this is the idea of BJP.

Not punishing corruption leads to waste of public money. This is just one example which proves that BJP is same about as Congress and it has nt got much chance!

They disregard janlokpal which is aimed to punish all these corrupts and save hard earned tax payer's money


Don't forget to read:

Ab Aap Socho!

- AAP ka Mango Man
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Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Election Commission notice on muslim letter

While i am not an law expert,  I have a few comments and thoughts on new notice raised on AAP by election commission regarding:

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Sunday, 17 November 2013

Proof that AAP is indeed getting 47%


This is a 20 video playlist of "LIVE" on camera" opinion poll conducted by NewsXpress channel 
I have gone through all the 20 odd videos and here is a spreadsheet or tally which clearly shows that Aam Aadmi Party is clearly ahead of BJP and Congress.

You can watch whole video and tally votes, If you are in a hurry here is Quick Data in excelsheet for you

(Also request you to scroll down and read my takeaway opinions from this series of video below)

What is a live opinion poll and how it is different
Live opinion poll where reporter goes on the streets talking to random people in Delhi. Asking for their opinion on which party /politician looks promising this year.

Because everything is on the camera, nothing can be fake. So here is raw, ground level, data.

Before my friends on social media raise any questions. I would like to admit that in 1 or 2 cases where their tally of numbers may not match my tally.

I have tried my best to be accurate!

Still If you do not believe in the stats. You can go through all the videos and tally the numbers i have mentioned in each video. I am sure your will be close to my numbers anytime!

I have tried my best to tally votes only when people specifically say a party's name. or clearly appreciate a party (which means their vote will go to that party)

Rest assured, the difference won't be much.

Also, Newsexpresslive and its anchor is not related to Aam Aadmi Party in any way (to best of my knowledge) they did not run this survey to prove anything in favour for AAP.

And i would like to add that i really liked this show and it was a very good idea. It also reminded me of my days in Delhi and showed a picture of the city i never knew about! 

This study is completely based on what people said verbally in the videos.

I am also not directly working for AAP but just supporting them online. So my reading here may be biased. You can judge the report by watching the videos  (6 hours long) . I have watched twice to make sure my tally is correct!

100% Legitimate
This is probably the most legitimate opinion poll you may ever come across.

No matter which party you support you cannot deny the results shown in this video. Videos can't lie.

A survey published in magazines/newspaper may be easily manipulated. But a video shot in broad day light cannot be wrong!

Picture tells 1000 words and a video tells 24 truths per second with "audio"!

Kudos to Aam Aadmi Party
This report also prooves that Aam Aadmi Party was indeed correct in showing their surveys and not faking their reports as claimed by many TV news channel like Rajat Sharma on Aap Ki Adalat and Cong/BJP supporters.

Takeaways from the video:

Here are some of the few interesting things i noticed in the survey. And my thoughts. I have tried my best to not to be biased for AAP but i may have made errors anywhere in this whole article or report in any form.

I am not a professional survey analyst. You can disregard this survey at your will. I just wrote it from a layman point of view. But may be you will find some valid points worth reading here:

  1. AAP is not a vote cutter
    The survey clearly shows that AAP is not a vote cutter but in the lead. I agree that there could have been some irregular tallies here and there. But on a overall look the picture remains very clear that AAP is definitely not a vote cutter but in the lead. Very promising!

    In some videos people say that all people in their colonies have decided to vote for AAP. They took responsibility of 1000-2000 people. This happened once for BJP. And almost never for Congress.

    "Jhaadu" relevant and popular
    Election symbol "Jhaadu" strikes a chord with common people. Throughout the video Jhaadus lying around automatically did the promotion for AAP.

    Jhaadu has not only made space but covering majority of area in Delhi's election room!

  2. Lack of awareness - biggest problem!
    Video clearly shows that people are not aware about their MLAs. They don't take interest in politics. Not because they don't want to but because they realize that "no one will listen"

    Most of them don't even realize the possibilities of what work an MLA could and should do. They probably don't know about things like RTI.

    I don't think that anyone knew about how much funds were allocated and how much work was done. This is the real problem.

    More awareness needed
    Aam Aadmi needs to be aware about how much funds MLA got, what work was done with that money. Was there are corruption.

    Then they will know the MLA better. And probably in that case they won't vote for majority of Cong/BJP . Right now they just vote even if things are okay-sh and there's something majorly wrong.

    Another appalling fact that they think inflation is not because of politicians. This is a serious problem which even Arvindji has talked about several times in almost all of his speeches.

  3. People have very little or no expectations

    They just expect a little bit of work like proper sanitation, cleanliness, repair of roads.

    Aam Aadmi Party will definitely change this and make things competitive for other parties. As its the only party which believes in "Manifesto made by people".

    Right now, people are happy even if basic things are offered to them. They are happy if they get water and sometimes even okay with electricity.

    Right now people don't expect much. Because expectation usually led to disappointment.

    People don't know about "possibilities" and their rights. Which means there was no competition. This makes BJP/Cong happy

    But AAP is coming now and hopefully people will increase their expectations and make things difficult for corrupt MLAs.

    Things will definitely change!

    All this will lead to politics that is less "lucrative" but more about "service" to the people! Because it won't be easy to fool people and take away all the funds in personal accounts. Or spend 1 lakh in a 10,000 rs job.

  4. All kind of supporters!
    AAP supporters are varied. Housewives, people livng in slums, students, older people, youth.

    It had supporters in all areas, DTC buses, slums, govt colonies. But less in shops (read point number 10 below)
  5. AAP's votebank = people who need a CHANGE!
    Majority of people who are going to vote for AAP are people who are tired of lies from both BJP/Cong and need a new option.

    The word "new" was almost always prefixed while mentioning AAP. While majority of Cong supporters said they vote for Congress because their forefathers have been doing so! (A bit sad, but true)

    Most of these voters are fed up because no work happen in their area. They don't like their MLAs. Many of them support Kejriwal
  6. Opportunity for AAP - Convert NATOs
    Almost half of the people said they don't want to vote because "everyone" is the same
    Majority of people in the video are not aware about Jhaadu's novelty! They still think that all politicians are same and they won't vote. Or vote on "none of the above"

    If AAP can spread message amonsgt this section of voters their share can easily increase by 10-15% More can definitely be done in this regard. Instead of trying to convert die hard BJP/Cong supporters. Or convert people who have someone in their family affiliated to these parties.

    Its better to seek support from people who have lost hope and thinking NATO. Because that's what AAP is all about, new!
  7. Social voting
    Another very interesting thing to notice in the video is that people vote on social recommendations.

    But also because "Ghar mai sab usi ko dete hai"
    and also "Jisko hamare bacche denge ham bhi unko he denge"

    These people does not seem to know or care much about political conditions. Which not very encouraging for a healthy democracy.
  8. Modi factor!
    If it was not for Modi BJP would get any more than 10-15% votes. The Modi factor is indeed there. In some cases people started shouting slogans of Modi Zindabad during the interview! :)

    Certainly BJP is going to get benefit of Modi popularity in Delhi. But this could change if people realize that Modi is not directly related to this election.

    There was a mixed reaction for BJP in Dr Harshwardhan's constituency and almost a tie between AAP n BJP. 

    I personally feel that people in Delhi should give a chance to a new party. BJP also have had enough of chances on state/municipal level in the past.
  9. Full support to AAP from rikshaw drivers
    100% of the rikshaw drivers in these videos are defintely going to support AAP!
  10. Businessmen camera shy
    Businessmen/shop owners generally a bit apprehensive speaking against their local MLA (for obvious reasons)

    They mostly speak in favor of their area MLA, both BJP and Congress. But many times they also add a few positive comments about Aam Aadmi Party and "possibility" that they will consider it.

Request to critics and BJP/Cong supporters

Let's do a healthy competition!

It's good that you are raising questions about a new party.  It helps AAP supporters like me to stay informed.

If it were nt for you guys i probably would have never known much about AAP and Arvind Kejriwal. 

After every allegation I go on to google to find information and in most cases i find that allegations were not true and my trust in Aam Aami Party becomes stronger!

It helps the supporters of AAP to keep a tab on our party itself. 

So far so good. But 
I would request you to PLEASE do not spread false rumors.There are legitimate things about BJP  which AAP supporters should accept. And vice versa.

There are good things about Modi. I personally aaccept them. And there are things I do not accept. 

You should also accept good things about AAP. Till now I have only heard bad things about Kejriwal and AAP from majority of BJP/Cong representatives on twitter.

You never credit AAP for exposing people like Vadra, Khushid. I think it's not good. It makes corrupts evade from an answer because questions are not raised against them but whistle blowers.

You say that Arvind left Annaji and Kiranji, which everyone knows is nt true! 

We all know that it was BJP/Cong that cheated common people for two years. Jan Lokpal was not only about Anna or Arvind, but thousands of common men from all walks of life and parties supported it. 

By accepting good things about any party we will create an environment where ideas are groomed and not suppressed.  Of course the same stands for AAP supporters too!

B team of Cong/BJP
You have claimed that AAP is  B team of congress etc. I seriously do not think so. Not because I am an AAP supporter but because two co-incidences does not make one truth. 

Just because there was some Congress person in survey agency, it does not mean that AAP is B team of Congress or whatever.

I have personally talked to many BJP supporters and AAP critics but there was not a single believable evidence which proved tht AAP is even distant working in any favour of Congress.

And the reasoning that "Congress has created AAP because they know they will loose" sounds completely unbelievable to me.

In fact Annaji, IAC, Aam Aadmi Party, Kejriwal have done damage to Congress which even BJP was not able to do in all these years.

Let's support ideas and systems and not people and party!

Think about it, dear fellow brothers and sisters. You may support BJP/Cong for xyz tid bit reasons. 
 But there is no reason why you should not support Aam Aadmi Party because...

Only NEW experiments bring.... NEW results.

How can repeating the same thing do something NEW?

Vote for only AAP in Delhi, let's experiment and do something new! Let's innovate and bring a more systematic politics in our country. Don't kill this 1 year old baby because of fear politics! AS used by Congress and BJP all these years.

Want to help AAP or volunteer? 
You can easily register on . Registration is fairly easy and you can start calling people in Delhi and encourage them to be aware and give this new experiment a try!

Use the word "Jhaadu" more as people seem to remember that!

With lot of hope and love to all..

Jai Hind!
Satyamev Jayate!

- A Mango Man!
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Taukir Raza Khan and Kejriwal meeting explanation

Taukir Raza Controversy which corrupt congress/bjp is now trying to use it for their favour.


  1. Kejriwal went  to that religious place in Bareily to offer chadar 
    While he was there he met Tauqeer Raza as a head of the organization. He met the head of the organization, he did not knew that it was Tauqeer Raza.

  2. Taukeer Raza is not a member of AAP.
    He has got nothing to do with Delhi elections. There is no alliance formed.

    The only common ground between AK him was that the old rot politics should be rooted out of the country.

    There was a talk that hindu-muslims must realise that both parties in their own ways incite fear amongst common people to garner votes. And people should not vote to such parties.

    Does that sound communal from any distant view?

  3. Mr Kejriwal meets people from all sects/castes/religion

    This is a false propoganda from BJP/Cong. They both are  united to malign Kejriwal and try to stop the movement of Aam Aadmi.

    No controversy when Kejriwal Met Sikhs!

    No controversy when he met Shankaracharya in Puri

  4. But there was controversy when he met Maulana or even Muslim leaders

After meeting Maulana
Kejriwal tried to find out about him and shared this video on his twitter page. Its a video where Maulana shares stage with other hindu leaders talking about peace in the nation and stop corruption.

Now, what more can i say? Facts are in front of you.

Aap Socho,

Jai Hind!
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Friday, 15 November 2013

Dear corrupt politicians - "political change" is inevitable now, Sorry!

Dear corrupt politicians who ruled India for last 65 years, 

I can imagine how disturbed you can get when you see things like this:
(Protest during Damini Case India Gate Delhi)

Aam Aadmi peacefully requested to stop corruption. You tried to suppress any voice that did not work for your profits.

You tried everything. Baseless allegations, false propaganda, pressurizing/threatening activists. You tried to stop Janlokpal movement by hook or crook.

You tried to stop Aam Aadmi Party to fight from elections. You tried to divide them. Attack them.

You tried to suppress people  when they wanted stronger anti-rape laws. You did lathi charged females who were peacefully protesting to demand safety.  Your policemen slapped girls who were only asking for protection.

Was it too much to ask for?

But You tried to suppress voice of common people.

You failed!
You failed so miserably. You failed at such grand level that i pity you.

Ye public hai, ye sab janti hai!

I can imagine that you were initially amused by janlokpal movement. You cracked jokes about people associated with it.

I also understand that when then janlokpal movement was getting thousands, millions of supporters all over the country, you were shocked. and surprised.

In that situation you played over-smart. You cheated everyone in broad day light. You attacked people involved in the movement. You made promises on Gazette notification papers. You broke them.

You tried your best to malign/frighten social activists.

The more you tried to attack social activists in a wrong way, the more it worked against you. What you thought? People don't watch? People don't understand?

I would, (kind of) like to thank you for being so aggressive. Your aggression and lies helped us. Because without you doing so, civil society's job in spreading awareness about your devilishness would not have been that easy.

Thanks for saving us thousands of man hours worth of work needed for creating so much awareness.
You helped your enemy in getting yourself 

Dear corrupt politicians, (following strategy of divide and rule)
Your kind of strategies worked 25 odd years back. But It won't work now. Just won't. Social media will gradually spread to the deepest parts of the population and people will get informed about tiniest of your wrong doings.

No Fear

You might be wondering, are nt common people afraid of powerful politicians? You may say, that we Polititions have the power to get someone killed. Or send someone to court cases/jail by putting any false allegation. "Police hamare ishare pe chalti hai". Right?

Yes, a common man is too afraid to stand against you. Because, he has to earn bread to his family. He wants to live and going to court is dreadful for him.

But you forgot that thousands of these common men, adds up to a sea of "aware masses". These people have been watching you for years. These small people have been listening to your white lies.

These people are strong if united! And they are now united against you!

Your lies
Lies about development schemes, protection for their sisters/daughters, food and shelter for poor, fair price for farmers crops, solution for naxal problems all made common people full of disgust for you.

Common men knows you in and out
These common men this janta knows, that you are a dalal in everything. Your friends/relatives benefited most from you.

Got tenders, lands, businesses, grants. which was all tax payers was used in your luxuries, foreign travels, dinner parties costing 7,500rs per plate.

Your friends, sons, relatives were able to escape even after killing people in broad day light. But this won't happen for too long. You must have already started noticing it now.

Power of media and information can help bring justice to common people!

Gone are those days
Those days are gone when you were easily able to get free after doing all sorts of crimes. Murders, rapes, extortions, kidnapping.

Today, people are united with information. It is now 100 times tougher to divide them. Because they have a medium to communicate. There is no lack of communication. Any person can start a facebook page on any topic and connect with millions of like minded people.

Imagine if someone wanted to do this in 1990s? He would only end up giving bribes in your offices to get a RNI number so that he can get permission publish artcles and share information with public.

 You had a gala time looting tax payer's money.

But now time is changing. May be slowly but also gradually and consistently. The common men and women have been watching you!

They watch you in newspapers. They watch you in movies.  They notice how you keep rioters/criminals in your parties. They understand all what you do.  Aam Aadmi was silent uptil now because he was not united.

Today, because of social media. Aam Aadmi is united and informed. You can buy one or two people to try to malign or induce an internal fight. But 99% of the people now understood your game and won't fall prey to your cheap tactics!

Aam Aadmi knows you!
These common people. This Aam Aadmi  you see struggling to get a seat in trains, running to catch buses struggling everyday to earn daily bread.

Aam Aadmi knows you. Aam Aadmi is noticing you, my dear corrupt politician. 
Don't be happy regarding recent riots/agitations you were probably able to orchestrate  They might still work in some small towns and villages where social media is not prevalent. But the wave will reach soon. And there is nothing you can do about it.

If you try to act over smart, it will only bring judgement day closer.

Dear corrupt politician
 There was a time when media was in your hands. Today, because of internet people are not dependent upon your TV channels for their knowledge.

You can show 1 page advertisement in print newspaper or 1 minute paid news on television. But You cannot impose popular trends on twitter which is run by

The power of social media has snatched away all your opportunities to hide information people.

A change is inevitable now. You cannot stop it. Your career of a quack and criminal is over, try some new business, settle abroad. There's still time that you can escape.

Once new generation educated politicians like Arvind Kejriwal come into power. Not only all of your ill-way earned money will go back to Aam Aadmi's government also you will be sent to jail.

 Stop trying hard now. Your Game will be over soon.

No future for your kind of politics, sir!

You have been looting the country, giving tickets to politicians who have criminal charges and in some cases even convicted to rule the country.

Run! If you can! You don't have much time. Better for you if you surrender. Even better, join the movement.

But don't ever think to manipulate Aam Aadmi. Because if Aam Aadmi is informed, if Aam aadmi is united no amount of your shrudeness and cunningness can do a pinch of harm to the nation.

Jai hind!
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Anna Vs Arvind Vs Truth Vs Congress/BJP

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Scrutnize your Neta - How to find income/assets of any politician

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Prashant Bhushan – 10 facts you should know, before you form an opinion about him and AAP

Mr Bhushan has been criticized and abused by many AAP haters. Some of them do that because they want to score political points for their favorite political parties.

Others, because they are fed with false propoganda by Cong/BJP members. To malign a movement.

Facts that are ignored, till now:
Mr Bhushan actually filed many PILs and social causes in the court, majorly to fight against corruption and irregular use of power by politicians to benefit corporates.
  1. 1997 – Revoke Oil contracts (because of irregularities) to  oil companies

    in October 1997, when the Delhi High Court heard a CPIL petition over the award of contracts to Enron and Reliance Industries to develop the Panna-Mukta oilfield, and issued notices to the involved companies and government organisations.[4]
  2. 2003 - Restraining union govt from privatising Petrol companies without proper channel

    The CPIL won a major victory in 2003 when the Supreme Court restrained the Union government from privatising Hindustan Petroleum and Bharat Petroleum without the approval of Parliament.[5] As counsel for the CPIL, Rajinder Sachar and Bhushan argued that the only way to disinvest in the companies would be to repeal or amend the Acts by which they were nationalised in the 1970s.[6] As a result, the government would need a majority in both houses to push through any privatisation.[7]
  3. Fighting for dalits

    Shanti and Prashant Bhushan were council for the CPIL seeking a direction from the Supreme Court that Dalits who had converted to Christianity should be entitled to the same reservation they had enjoyed as members of Scheduled Castes. The Union government said this was purely a legislative matter, but in February 2005 the Supreme Court decided to again review the constitutional issue
  4. February 2005 revoke CVC act

    where CBI needs permission from politicians to register a case for corruption against senior beaureucrats

    CBI  not independent issue is  not something Aam Aadmi Party just garnering to get votes. Its member Prashant Bhushan taken up this matter way before any Janlokpal Movement or any Black money movement after 5 years.

    Bhushan and Anil B. Divan were counsel for CPIL seeking quashing of the CVC Act, 2003, which requires the CBI to obtain permission from the Union government before registering corruption cases against senior bureaucrats.

    Bhushan argued that the act violated the basic rights of citizens and was counter to the rule of law. The Supreme Court referred the question to a constitution bench of five judges.[9]
  5. Sending corrupt IAS officer Neera Yadav  which was protected by Politicians like Mulayam Singh Yadav  to Jail

    Bhushan represented the CPIL in a petition asking for the removal of Neera Yadav from office as Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh for alleged corruption. Yadav had been named in five CBI corruption cases and 23 departmental proceedings. In October 2005 the Supreme Court directed the Mulayam Singh state government to remove her from her position.[10] Yadav managed to stall her prosecution, but in December 2006 the Supreme Court removed all obstacles to her trial.[11] The case became the first in which an IAS officer of Uttar Pradesh was convicted of corruption.[12]

    And guess what? Same corrupt Neera Yadav joined BJP after she lost her job that too because of corruption!

    Now you know why Aam Aadmi Party believes that BJP  is corrupt too? Because it welcomes people in their party who have lost job because they were convicted in court
  6. “Fought public litigation cases without money” An article published about him on Tehelka magazine (way before janlokpal movement)
  7. 2006 Fight against coca cola
    Baba Ramdev is not the only person fighting against cola companies.

    In 2006 Bhushan represented the CPIL in a petition alleging that Pepsico and Coca-Cola were failing to warn the public of harmful ingredients in their beverages, and were luring young children through misleading advertising.[13]

  8. In 2007 again filed a case against corruption and irregularities in submarine deal

    2007, Bhushan filed a petition on behalf of the CPIL with the Delhi High Court to investigate whether there had been kickbacks in the 2005 Scorpene submarine deal. The High Court took a strong line with the investigating agency, saying "We feel dissatisfied with that you've done so far. If you've tried to shield someone, then we will come down very heavily on you".[14]
  9. 2G Scam was exposed and brought to justice by him (never shown in popular media)

    Prashant Bhushan acted for the CPIL when it took the lead in filing a suit against the Government of India for irregularities in a major award of spectrum for 2G mobile telephones. The CPIL petition alleged that the government had lost $15.53 billion by issuing spectrum in 2008 based on 2001 prices, and by not following a competitive bidding process In February 2012 the Supreme Court declared the allocation of spectrum had been illegal.[18]

  10. More points and points worth mentioning here related to Prashant ji and AA

    Allegation that Aam Aadmi Party does not goes to the court.

    They do go to courts! They have gone to courts for years and more than any other Cong/BJP members.

    Why not going to courts now
    Going to court is not serving true and quick justice to the people. Because of corruption, weaker laws against corruption.

    That’s why they started lokpal movement to reduce corruption. But when govt did not listen then they formed a political party because they don’t want a “0 result” movement.

    Allegation that AAP are inexperienced

    This article clearlyshows that AAP has members like Prashant Bhushan, who were able to find irregularities and corruption cases. He sure knows about politics and corruption. He has years of experience in fighting against corruption.

    Yes, he may be inexperienced in how to steal money, like current mainstream politicians BJP/Cong, but no true nationalist would ever want such qualities in any of their politicians. Is nt it?
Moreover, because in current situation where all machinery comes under corrupt politicians, CBI etc its better to
AAP is the only party in favour of making CBI independent. And Prashant Bhushan is man working with AAP for a better future of India.

Because he has more experience fighting with manipulated CBI , corrupt politicians then majority of us did not even know these problems existed.
Vote4change, vote for AAP…
information aapke saamne hai saari… ab kya karna hai

Socho AAP!
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Thursday, 14 November 2013

No intereste in politics? Then you are responsible

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Batla / Ishrat encounter - fake or not (or whatever)

Kejriwal ji wrote a letter to muslims which said a lot of things about education, peace, development, unity etc.

A clip on 

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Rajiv Laxman has apologized and clarified..

First of all, just because one person said something don’t generalize whole Aam Aadmi Party and every volunteer for it.

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Lesser known politicians blessed by Lord Kuber in last 5-10 years…?

Lord Kuber is the God of money, wealth and prosperity.  Today we share with you a list of politicians that are probably blessed b Lord Kuber. They have amassed so much wealth after winning elections.

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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The kashmir issue n controversy abt Prashant Bhushan

There's a question raised by many people on twitter

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My thoughts on new politics of AAP

Aam Aadmi Party,

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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

About me

Just a common man, what more do i say?
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