Breaking News

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Fake news: 100 people arrested in Delhi for accepting cash

In a bid to curb corruption and stop use of black money. Almost 100 people were arrested in Delhi for accepting cash instead of cheque in Delhi. Majority of the transaction amounts were between 10-50 rupees.

In this shocking incident amongst arrested were auto-drivers, manual labourers, businessmen, rikshawwallas and some shopkeepers.

They were caught red handed while accepting money from their customers without knowing the customers backgrounds.

What's the  reason?
The police official said that these people are culprits prima facie because they were accepting cash which could be black money. Police officials went to the shops one by one and asked details of where the money came from. And arrested anyone who even by having details of the customer but did not had.

New guidelines
According to the new guidelines published by income tax department, accepting cash can lead you into jail, especially if some reporter makes a sting operation of you doing that.

The only condition of the sting operation to be valid is that it should be edited.

Know the customer background
Before accepting cash you must:
  • Check if the buyer has any criminal cases.
  • Ask for last 10 year IT returns. Calculate the balance sheet amounts to see if it is indeed correct.
  • Have a look at last 6 months bank statement. Of his mother, father, son, daughter, daughter in law, son in law, pet dog, doodhwala, chaiwala,
  • Get an affidavit written on a stamp paper of 100 rs that money is not black.

What should you do?
Best option is to accept only cheque (even if it gets bounced). A bounced cheque is better than cash which might get you stinged Oped and into the jail.

Sent to jail for accepting black money
They were all sent to jail for 1 month custody and no bail allowed because black money is the biggest issue in India. It is because of black money that the country is looted.

Rise in sting operations!
All the TV channels showed the face of the culprits. Some of these culprits did not even realize that they had made a big mistake which can damage the image's nation.

A senior police official said:
You cannot accept undeclared cash, either accept cheque or reach to the first source of money. Better still check the last 5 year IT returns of the buyer then only sell him something or else you will be

New NEWS TV CHANNEL - Launched  Edited Sting TV
Some political parties have donated money to start a news tv channel to cover sting operation on such people who accept cash. In the launch people were seen exhanging cheques with each other and brainstorming ideas on how to create more stings.

There was a chaos in the launch program because the demo sting showed on launch was of one of the sponsors of the channel. The reporter was sent to jail for making sting for wrong person.

There would no sting operation made about Sponsors on moral grounds
The Channel head also said, we want more and more sting operations to be told in the world.

New channel named as Fake Sting TV. The channel's tagline was "IF you can't make it, fake it"

He also mentioned that they have highest TRP show Stingy Nights   is gaining popularity worldwide and hence this proves that 

Lack of awareness
While the 100 odd people in the jail were discussing about what wrong did they do. None of them had slightest of idea about what happened.

Not allowed to speak
The jailor just said that these people are criminals because they were accepting cash. While some of the accused in the jail wanted to tell their side of the story but they were not allowed to speak.

PS: This post is a work of fiction and written in satirical mood.

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