So you are not interested in Politics?
Politics effects lives of people... its bcuz tht good people don't take part in politics whole nation suffers.
Your silence makes you responsible for anarchy around you!
If i say i am not interested in politics. Then its like "I am not interested what happens in my home, I don't care if its looted"
If you are silent in politics then you are responsible directly or indirectly for:
Rising rapes, in India
If you don't care about corruption THEN
you are directly or indirectly responsible deaths of thousands of people who are killed on roads
If you don't care where tax/policy money is gone to. Then you are responsible for farmers suicide...
More than 17,500 farmers a year killed themselves between 2002 and 2006
- Farmers' demands were not taken into account while preparing the relief package. Neither were civil society organisations, local government bodies, panchayats etc. consulted.
- The relief packages were mostly amalgamations of existing schemes. Apart from the farmer helpline and the direct financial assistance, there was scarcely anything new being offered. Pumping extra funds into additional schemes shows that no new idea was applied to solve a situation where existing measures had obviously failed.
- The farmer helpline did not give any substantial help to farmers except in Karnataka.
- The basis for selection of beneficiaries under the assistance scheme was not well-defined.
Also, type of assistance to be given led to problems like a farmer needing a pair of bullocks getting a pump set and vice versa (or a farmer who has no access to water sources being given pump sets)
- Awareness regarding the package was also fairly low.
Your disinterest in politics makes you responsible
for Unemployment, exploitation
for Unemployment, exploitation
Your disinterest in cleaning the system of politics makes you responsible for
You are responsible for naxal problems because
you don’t take part in politics
YOU DONT VOTE = corrupt politicians come into power = they loot exploit villagers = villagers take path of violence
You don't have to loose your day job to become interested in politics
By being interested in politics does not mean that u leave ur daily work. U just ve to contribute your bit, by spreading awareness, by stopping others from doing wrong in whatever way u can, a little contribution from everyone can bring a sea of good changes in the world!
- You can join NGOs who are doing legitimate good work to improve political conditions.
- You can share information on social media, create awareness in people around you.
- You can expose corrupts, talk about corruption so that it becomes difficult for them t
- You can file PILs in courts and bring positive changes in society (For exam)
I have friends who say that
"if u become politically aware then it will make no difference"
I tell them,
"trust me if every good politician/honest IAS officer/soldier/ honest media person stops getting involved in politics then you will have no country, no job and probably killed or made slave by foreign enemy."
Friends don't take the guilt of anarchy in the world. This is our world.
Don't support politicians based on caste
Corrupt politicians are voted into power in regions where social divisions run deep. - The Hindu businessline
We are all brothers and sisters, hindus, muslims, sikhs, christians, dalits, children, women, low caste , high caste, buddhists, zoastrians. We all live on same land that feeds us. We all breathe the same air.
Don't let a few greedy people take charge of the world by "not taking part in politics",
Take control of yourself, your locality, your city, your country "our world"!
As a common man, you don't have to do a lot, just little contribution and million contributions will do the magic!
Jai Hind! Satyamev Jayate!
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